Oct 29, 2013

Expanding Culture: Aphorisms in the Theory of Black Metal

Aphorisms in the Theory of Black Metal

What Predicates Black Metal -
1st. Black Metal predicates itself on music
(Black Sabbath, Venom, Mercyful Fate)

2nd. Black Metal predicates itself on war.
(Arson, Murder, Suicide)

3rd. Black Metal predicates itself on philosophy.
(Every human being not going to the extreme limit is the servant or the
enemy of man and the accomplice of a nameless obscenity.)

1st Wave –
Black Metal is coined; no one can exemplify its palpable philosophical depth.  Its milieu is now light-years ahead of Venom.  In fact, Venom was buried as early as Quorthon.

2nd wave Then
All that existed previously should be considered silent.  The cycle of philosophy – destruction and creation – continues…
“Earthquakes are breaking the silence, a vision of hate”
“Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood”
“Suddenly…life has new meaning”.

Landscapes of the genre
In the wake of Mayhem, many had found shelter in woodland unbound.  It is time to flee from stagnation of these roots: a post movement routes itself into depressive cities where belonging is unfound, while the third-wave existence becomes immaterial.  What’s next?  -  Drought would suggest the desert.  Entrance: Jerusalem?

To Mother North
a request of death to all “Pigeon-hearted beings of flesh and blood”. If their mediocrity could sense their beds ablaze they too would send this request; united we stand, sacrificial lamb and all.

Ye Entrancemperium -
When an Emperor sits upon the throne it can become one of two things: 1) controlled discourse, 2) dialectical progress.  Here we have chosen the latter to let decay, decay.
  - Thus Spake the Nightspirit

2nd wave Now
“May the wolves start to howl again.  May the age of darkness arise.  May we touch the black flames of the past again…and forevermore.”
“In every night I wish that I was back to the time when I rode through the forests of old” 
Is this not a call to the ancients?  Is this progression in fact regression?  Was it the position of the 2nd wave to construct stagnation?  Zizek might say – this wave was not thoroughly violent enough.

For example: The Inconsistency of Reinkaos –
In dissecting the sound of Gothenburg, there is nothing revolutionary, anti-material…nothing “anti-cosmic” revealed.  2006, a regression in form is cosmic order itself.

Constructing the Third-Wave

“Satan, the Kings are heading home.”
Stripping rust only leaves you with the same form.  Ascend!

Let the death of an Empire leave “no trail to guide me” and “no point of reference in sight."  Two waves have navigated dark tunnels but now, after many years, was the time for silence reborn. 
“There was nothing…”

“There's a day coming…for you to be
swallowed by a power much greater than yourself”
“It will gradually tear you apart”
Ascension means destruction of form.

Let this be a transmutation of the pre-existing formulations: Black Metal can no longer function as a music no one could understand - it must act as an Idea proper; which is to say, Black Metal can no longer act exclusively as a term.  This is our aspiration and…
“It takes a non-poisoned creature to defeat and destroy a monster that has grown and spawned a darkness, a darkness we cannot tolerate.”

Ignite the depths and release visions of a music transformed –
 “The rays of Gnosis are burning yet liberating in a blissful imposition of the primal paradox.”


The predecessor atmosphere
–through Gnosis –
Focuses the efforts of Black Metal to a point of magic

“Higher! Higher! Come all ye sons of fire,
Daughters of the black moon,
Practitioners of arts, most dire.
Dance! Dance! Limbs twist in white eyed trance,
Let us praise the flowering darkness.”


The world’s corporeal aspects have been digested in the stomachs of the 2nd wave.  The 3rd has the philosophical privation of digesting the indigestible.  It is the position of contemporary Black Metal to comprehend the incomprehensible.  This concept is manifest in the relationship of Man to Divinity:

I. Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
II.  Fas – Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
III. Paracletus

Norway: Blood of the North injected into a musical cycle of philosophy – “Born a Son of Nordic tribe”.
France: Form of the cycle corrupted by the Blut Aus NordNothing is, Nothing is not, Nothing Becomes.
Norway: The Work which Confronts God – “Like a thorn in the eye of God!”
France: The Work which Transforms God –
Nothing is known to precede the echo of god, the grand evil who hides away in the upstream of time.”

 “Was there not an inconceivable loss of knowledge at Bethlehem?
Christ's abasement, His subjecting Himself to the laws of Human birth
and growth and to the lowliness of fallen human nature...”
This too, may suggest the emptiness of Black Metal.  Its all-too-human nature must flourish wildly.  The unfettered nature destroys itself and creatures itself anew.  Can we not ascend to Gnosis?  Can we not be crucified and resurrected?

“Singularity reborn in parallax”
Our subjectivication by way of Judeo-Christianity is henceforth not marked as merely confrontational.  Black Metal is an Eternal Idea and therefore represents something of divination – does it not?

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